5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Parameter estimation for a two-component neutron star model with a Kalman filter

7 Jul 2021, 09:50
Talk in the parallel session Dense matter in compact stars Dense Matter in Compact Stars


Mr Nicholas O'Neill (University of Melbourne)


Timing noise in a pulsar is the stochastic deviation of the pulse arrival times of the pulsar away from its long term spin down trend. In the classic two-component neutron star model, interactions between the crust and superfluid cause these perturbations to decay exponentially with a characteristic timescale. This research uses a Kalman filter to track the pulsar frequency through time and to calculate a posterior on the parameters of the two-component pulsar model. Our method is reliable on simulated data, which we show through both individual and large-scale Monte Carlo tests. We will also show some representative examples on publicly available data from real pulsars, where we aim to test the two-component model and to use it to efficiently measure physical properties of the star. Our measurements of the properties of neutron stars will provide insight into their internal structure and will also provide evidence for or against the two-component model.

Primary authors

Mr Nicholas O'Neill (University of Melbourne) Dr Patrick Meyers (University of Melbourne) Prof. Andrew Melatos (University of Melbourne) Prof. Robin Evans (University of Melbourne)

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