5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

The Large Area Detector and Wide Field Monitor onboard eXTP

7 Jul 2021, 10:10
Invited talk in the parallel session eXTP – enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry Mission eXTP – Enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry Mission


Yuri Evangelista (INAF IAPS)


The enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry mission (eXTP) is a flagship observatory for X-ray timing, spectroscopy and polarimetry developed by an International Consortium led by the Chinese Academy of Science, with a large participation of European institutions.
Thanks to its very large collecting area, good spectral resolution and unprecedented polarimetry capabilities, eXTP will explore the properties of matter and the propagation of light in the most extreme conditions found in the Universe. eXTP will investigate three fundamental science areas: the equation of state of ultra-dense matter, the effects of strong-field gravity, the astrophysics and physics of very strong magnetic fields. eXTP will, in addition, be a powerful, wide-ranging X-ray observatory. The mission will continuously monitor the X-ray sky, characterizing the active X-ray Universe on a large range of time scales, and will enable multi-wavelength and multi-messenger studies for gravitational waves and neutrinos sources. The mission is currently undergoing its phase B study, targeting a launch in 2027.
In this paper I will present the European contributions to the eXTP payload: the Large Area Detector (LAD) and Wide Field Monitor (WFM) instruments.

Primary author

Yuri Evangelista (INAF IAPS)

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