5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Primordial Black-Hole Mergers: Formation and Properties

9 Jul 2021, 09:00
Invited talk in the parallel session Explosive events associated with compact-object binary mergers Explosive Events Associated with Compact-Object Binary Mergers


Dr Florian Kühnel (LMU Munich)


Primordial black holes are black holes that may have formed in the
early Universe. Their masses potentially span a range from as low as
the Planck mass up to many orders of magnitude above the solar mass.
This, in particular, includes black holes with mass (and spin)
comparable to those recently discovered by LIGO/Virgo. These may well
be primordial in nature, which may also be true for those in the
planetary-mass range as well as those providing the seeds for the
super-massive black holes in galactic centres. I will give an overview
on formation scenarios for primordial black holes, elaborate on their
abundance constraints as well as discuss gravitational-wave signatures
from their mergers.

Primary author

Dr Florian Kühnel (LMU Munich)

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