5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Fast radio bursts with VLBI

8 Jul 2021, 17:10
Invited talk in the parallel session What can we learn from a growing sample of Fast Radio Bursts? What Can We Learn from a Growing Sample of Fast Radio Bursts?


Kenzie Nimmo (ASTRON/University of Amsterdam)


Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are surprisingly abundant, highly energetic extragalactic signals, the nature of which still remains a mystery. The use of radio interferometers to identify the host galaxies of FRBs and characterise their local environments plays a key role in identifying the progenitor(s) of FRBs. The bursts themselves exhibit complex time-frequency structure and polarimetric properties, which we can study using baseband data to help us understand the emission physics, and the role of propagation effects. In this talk, I will give an overview of the role high resolution instruments have played (and will play in the future) in our understanding of FRBs.

Primary author

Kenzie Nimmo (ASTRON/University of Amsterdam)

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