Being located at only ~8 kpc from us, the center of our Galaxy provides us with the unique opportunity to study the physics occurring in the core of normal galaxies at very high spatial resolution. Thanks to its penetrating power, the X-ray band is particularly suited for studies of the Galactic center, allowing us to have a direct view of the central heart of the Milky Way. The outstanding results obtained with the current generation of X-ray instrumentations have showcased the power of such X-ray studies, by demonstrating the presence of flows of hot plasma within the Galactic corona connecting the central parsecs with the base of the Galactic halo. However, the limited filed of view of the current X-ray instrumentation have hampered the coverage of such outflow on scales larger than few square degrees (i.e., few hundred parsecs at the Galactic center). I will start describing the latest results on the field and then I will focus on the potential provided by eROSITA to mend this state of affairs.