5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Multifrequency Behaviour of High Mass X-ray Binary Systems

6 Jul 2021, 09:30
Invited talk in the parallel session Multichannel studies of nonstationary relativistic stars Multichannel Studies of Nonstationary Relativistic Stars


Franco Giovannelli (INAF-Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali)


In this talk the zoo of the High Mass X-ray Binary
Systems (HMXBs) is presented. Among these I will discuss the X-ray/Be systems and
in particular A0535 + 26/HDE245770. Through the multifrequency
experimental data obtained in long observation campaigns it was
possible to develop a particular model for the aforementioned system
and then a general one that explains the delay between the flares in
the X-band compared to those in the optical. This general model has
been successfully applied to different binary systems for which the
delay is known experimentally. This model can also be successfully
extended to extragalactic systems in which a star is engulfed by tidal
effects from the central black hole. Some examples will be shown.

Primary author

Franco Giovannelli (INAF-Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali)

Presentation materials

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