5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Primordial Black Holes in a scalar field dominated universe.

5 Jul 2021, 18:00
Talk in the parallel session Scalar fields in cosmology Scalar Fields in Cosmology


Carlos Hidalgo (ICF-UNAM)


I review in this talk the mechanism of Primordial Black Hole (PBH) formation at the end of inflation from an oscillating scalar field. I will first present solutions to the Klein Gordon and Einstein equations in this regime for linear perturbations, as well as long-wavelength nonlinear solutions. I argue that these are indicators of the collapse of inhomogeneities onto PBHs. The tiny black holes produced in these models quickly evaporate and may produce Planck mass relics. I will show that these relics can be abundant enough to constitute all of dark matter, and present the constraints that this brings on the models of complex scalar field reheating.

Primary authors

Carlos Hidalgo (ICF-UNAM) Mr Karim Carrion (ICF-UNAM)


Dr Luis E. Padilla (ICF-UNAM)

Presentation materials

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