5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Mergers, magnetars and multi-messengers

6 Jul 2021, 10:10
Invited talk in the parallel session Multichannel studies of nonstationary relativistic stars Multichannel Studies of Nonstationary Relativistic Stars


Stephen Smartt (Queen's University Belfast)


Wide-field optical sky surveys are discovering a remarkable diversity
in how stars merge, collapse and explode. The powering mechanism for
many of these requires a source beyond radioactivity, plausibly a
magnetic, rapidly spinning neutron star. The discovery of
the electromagnetic counterpart to a pair of merging neutron stars
and other rapid transients from merging binary systems illustrate
the new types of explosion mechanisms in the transient sky.
I will review some recent discoveries from explosive stellar
mergers and discuss the future potential in the era of
the Rubin Observatory.

Primary author

Stephen Smartt (Queen's University Belfast)

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