Jul 5 – 10, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

The Brach Cut Universe: from the origin of the universe to the formation of compact stars

Jul 5, 2021, 7:15 PM
Talk in the parallel session Compact stars as laboratories for testing strong gravity Compact Stars as Laboratories for Testing Strong Gravity


Prof. Cesar Augusto Zen Vasconcellos (ICRANet)


In this contribution we identify two scenarios for the evolutionary branch cut universe. In the first scenario, the universe evolves continuously from the negative complex cosmological time sector, prior to a primordial singularity, to the positive one, circumventing continuously a branch cut, and no primordial singularity occurs in the imaginary sector, only branch points. In the second scenario, the branch cut and branch point disappear after the {\it realisation} of the imaginary component of the complex time by means of a Wick rotation, which is replaced by the thermal time. In the second scenario, the universe has its origin in the Big Bang, but the model contemplates simultaneously a mirrored parallel evolutionary universe going backwards in the cosmological thermal time negative sector. A quantum formulation based on the WDW equation is sketched and preliminary conclusions are drawn. Finally, a description of the evolutionary process of the branch cut universe, from its beginnings to the creation phase of compact stars is proposed.

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