5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

What do the EHT observations tell us about the source?

5 Jul 2021, 16:30
Invited talk in the parallel session The Black Hole in M87 The Black Hole in M87


Sam Gralla (University of Arizona)


The Event Horizon Telescope collaboration has released 1.3mm interferometric observations of the core of the galaxy M87. I will review the observations and the general physical principles involved in their interpretation. After describing the basic heuristics needed to understand the effect of a black hole on the observational appearance of nearby emission, I will emphasize that gravitational lensing is largely irrelevant at EHT resolution. Instead, the observational appearance of a given source is determined entirely by the emission profile and redshift effects. I will comment on the specific interpretation of the public 2017 observations and discuss what we can expect going forward.

Primary author

Sam Gralla (University of Arizona)

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