Jul 5 – 10, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

The Cosmic Ray All-Particles Spectrum from the NUCLEON Experiment in comparison with EAS data

Jul 6, 2021, 10:45 AM
Invited talk in the parallel session Observations of HE and UHE Cosmic Rays Observations of HE and UHE Cosmic Rays


Andrey Turundaevskiy (SINP MSU)


The cosmic ray all-particles spectrum is a very important result obtained by the NUCLEON space experiment. This spectrum was directly measured up to energies near 500 TeV. The ground-based experiments provide very large statistics but their results depend on applied models. The NUCLEON experiment allows to compare results of direct measurements and data of ground-based experiments. The all-particles spectrum is presented. The shape of this spectrum differs from the power-law dependence. This difference is caused by the universal «knee» found in the rigidity spectra measured by the NUCLEON experiment. The obtained all-particles spectrum is well consistent with the data from ground-based experiments HAWC and TAIGA.

Primary authors

Andrey Turundaevskiy (SINP MSU) Dr Dmitri Karmanov (SINP MSU) Mr Igor Kovalev (SINP MSU) Mr Ilya Kudryashov (SINP MSU) Mr Aleksandr Kurganov (SINP MSU) Prof. Alexander Panov (SINP MSU) Dr Dmitry Podorozhny (SINP MSU) Mr Oleg Vasiliev (SINP MSU)

Presentation materials