5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Virial Clouds Evolution-I: From the surface of last scattering up to the formation of population-III stars

6 Jul 2021, 11:10
Talk in the parallel session The Nature of Galactic Halos The Nature of Galactic Halos


Noraiz Tahir (Universita del Salento and INFN, Lecce, Italy)


The detailed analysis of Planck CMB data has shown the presence of temperature asymmetries towards the halos of several spiral galaxies. This is probably due to the rotation of cold clouds (which we called" virial clouds ") present in the halos, that rotate about the rotational axis of the galaxies. It had been proposed that these are pure hydrogen clouds that should be in equilibrium with the CMB. However, the equilibrium of such clouds at the very low CMB temperature was not deemed possible, but it was recently shown that the equilibrium could be stable. This still does not give the cloud concentration or that the observed temperature asymmetry is due to clouds in equilibrium with the CMB. To investigate the matter further, it would be necessary to trace the evolution of such clouds, from their formation epoch to the present, so as to compare the model with the observational data. The task is to be done in two steps: (1) from the cloud formation up to the formation of the first generation of stars; (2) from that time to the present. Here we only deal with the first step leaving the second one to subsequent analysis.

Primary author

Noraiz Tahir (Universita del Salento and INFN, Lecce, Italy)


Prof. Fracesco De Paolis (University of Salento, Lecce, Italy) Prof. Asghar Qadir (Abdul Salam School of Mathematics, GC University Lahore)

Presentation materials

