5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Learning the properties of our Galaxy's dark matter with Stellar Streams

8 Jul 2021, 16:30
Invited talk in the parallel session Dark Matter: Beyond LCDM Dark Matter: Beyond LCDM


Rodrigo Ibata (Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg)


The Galactic halo is criss-crossed by long stellar streams that are probably the remnants of defunct globular clusters and dwarf galaxies. I will present the recent discoveries of these structures from Gaia mission data. While streams clearly inform us in a direct way about past accretions onto our Galaxy, their most promising property is that they allow us to measure the Galactic acceleration field and they may allow us to quantify the prevalence of small-scale of dark matter overdensities in the halo. I will also present some novel unsupervised machine-learning methods that we are developing to fit the acceleration field from these streams (and field stars) while also learning the transformation from observed kinematic coordinates to canonical action-angle variables.

Primary author

Rodrigo Ibata (Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg)

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