5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Einstein-First Science Education: Obsolete Science Curriculum Fuels Anti-science and World Instability

9 Jul 2021, 06:30
Invited talk in the parallel session Teaching Einsteinian Physics to School Students Teaching Einsteinian Physics to School Students


David Blair (University of Western Australia)


Obsolete scientific concepts are embedded in school primary school education. This means that the large majority of people who do not study specialised physics beyond middle school are barely exposed to modern scientific concepts. Moreover they lack the language of modern science and hence are entirely disenfranchised when it comes to science policy on issues such as climate change, 5G mobile phones and vaccination, as well as modern scientific discoveries.
Students perceive the obsolete nature of the current curriculum because they are aware of concepts such as black holes from an early age.
Einsteinian physics (relativity and quantum physics) provides explanatory power for all aspects of physical reality. The Einstein-First project has created a new science curriculum that explicitly introduces modern concepts at an early age. It has been well received in a broad range of primary schools and high schools where trials are underway.

Primary author

David Blair (University of Western Australia)

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