5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Data-driven Reconstruction of the Late-time Cosmic Acceleration with f(T) Gravity

7 Jul 2021, 07:30
Invited talk in the parallel session Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology


Xin Ren (University of Science and Technology of China)


Along with the accumulated cosmological observations, while the standard paradigm of modern cosmology has been verified with high precision, some new challenges such as the $H_0$ tension appear. To address these issues, we in this article reconstruct the free function of $f(T)$ gravity in a model-independent manner using the combined observational data. The obtained function is consistent with the standard $\Lambda$CDM cosmology within $1 \sigma$ confidence level, however the best-fit value experiences oscillatory features. Similar oscillatory dark-energy scenarios are known to be in good agreement with observational data, nevertheless this is the first time that such a behavior is proposed for $f(T)$ gravity. Finally, since the reconstruction procedure is completely model-independent, the obtained data-driven reconstructed $f(T)$ form could release the tensions between $\Lambda$CDM estimations and local measurements.

Primary authors

Xin Ren (University of Science and Technology of China) Yi-Fu Cai (University of Science and Technology of China) Prof. Emmanuel Saridakis (National Observatory of Athens) Mr Thomas Hong Tsun Wong (The University of Hong Kong)

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