5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

A Solution of the Cosmological Constant, Using Multiverse Version of Penrose CCC Cosmology, and Enhanced Quantization Compared

7 Jul 2021, 07:50
Talk in the parallel session Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology


Andrew Beckwith (Chongqing University, physics)


We reduplicate the Book “Dark Energy” by M. Li, X-D. Li, and Y. Wang, zero-point energy calculation with an unexpected “length’ added to the ‘width’ of a graviton wavefunction just prior to the entrance of ‘gravitons’ to a small region of space-time prior to a nonsingular start to the universe. We compare this to a solution worked out using Klauder Enhanced quantization, for the same given problem. The solution of the first Cosmological Constant problem relies upon the geometry of the multiverse generalization of CCC cosmology which is explained in this paper. The second solution, used involves Klauder enhanced quantization. We look at energy given by our methods and compare and contrast it with the negative energy of the Rosen model for a mini sub universe and estimate GW frequencies

Primary author

Andrew Beckwith (Chongqing University, physics)

Presentation materials