5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Recent results from the Pierre Auger Observatory

6 Jul 2021, 11:35
Invited talk in the parallel session Observations of HE and UHE Cosmic Rays Observations of HE and UHE Cosmic Rays


Esteban Roulet (CONICET, Centro Atomico Bariloche)


The Pierre Auger Observatory has by now achieved an exposure of order 10^5 km^2 sr yr, exploring about 85% of the sky. In this talk I will review some of the latest results, including the detailed measurements of the features in the cosmic ray spectrum, the inferred mass composition, the tests of hadronic interactions, multimessenger searches and the study of anisotropies in the cosmic ray arrival directions both at large and small angular scales.

Primary author

Esteban Roulet (CONICET, Centro Atomico Bariloche)

Presentation materials

