5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Plasma lensing

9 Jul 2021, 06:50
Invited talk in the parallel session Gravitational Lensing and Shadows Gravitational Lensing and Shadows


xinzhong Er (SWIFAR, Yunnan Univ.)


Gravitational lensing is a widely used probe in the study of the dark universe. Besides the gravity, the free electrons in the plasma can also cause deflections of the light. Although plasma lensing has a distinct similarity to gravitational lensing, particularly in its mathematical description, plasma lensing introduces additional features, such as wavelength dependence, diverging deflection, etc. I will briefly introduce the basic phenomenon of plasma lensing and the lensing effects, such as the magnification and time delay in the plasma lensing. It shows some potentially interesting applications in the study of the pulsar, FRB as well as the interstellar and intergalactic medium.

Primary author

xinzhong Er (SWIFAR, Yunnan Univ.)

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