Jul 5 – 10, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Causal measurements of quantum fields with local probes

Jul 8, 2021, 6:10 PM
Talk in the parallel session Quantum Fields Quantum Fields


Maximilian Heinz Ruep (University of York, UK)


A recently introduced local measurement theory of quantum fields on possibly curved spacetime is the "FV framework" of Fewster and Verch [CMP 378, 851 (2020)]. It is founded on the operational idea that every reasonable interaction with a quantum field of interest (system) is realised by temporarily coupling it to a probe field in a local manner. In this talk I will demonstrate the consistency of the model-independent FV framework with causality [PRD, 103, 025017 (2021)] in particular with regard to Sorkin's impossible measurements. As a result, the FV framework equips us with a whole class of causal quantum operations, which opens the door to an investigation of fundamentally causal quantum information protocols [arXiv:2103.13400].

This talk reports in part on joint work with H. Bostelmann and C. J. Fewster.

Primary author

Maximilian Heinz Ruep (University of York, UK)

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