5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Microlensing in terms of an exact lens map

9 Jul 2021, 07:10
Talk in the parallel session Gravitational Lensing and Shadows Gravitational Lensing and Shadows


Volker Perlick


In spherically symmetric and static spacetimes, gravitational
lensing can be formulated in terms of an exact lens map, in
close analogy to the weak-field formalism of lensing. Whereas
in the latter case the lens map is a map from a lens plane to
a source plane, the exact lens map is a map from the celestial
sphere of the observer to a sphere where the light sources are
thought to be situated. It is demonstrated that, with the help
of the exact lens map, microlensing light curves can be calculated
exactly. Several examples are presented, including microlensing
by a Barriola-Vilenkin monople and by a Schwarzschild black hole.

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