5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Testing curvature-induced in-vacuo dispersion with gamma-ray-bursts

6 Jul 2021, 09:30
Talk in the parallel session Quantum Gravity Phenomenology Quantum Gravity Phenomenology


Giacomo Rosati (IFT Wroclaw University)


We explore the phenomenological viability of scenarios, suggested by different approaches to quantum spacetime, where quantum-gravity effects in the propagation of particles are triggered by spacetime curvature/expansion.
We rely on a toy model of curvature-induced Lorentz violation for a preliminary exploration, and we find that, differently from what commonly believed, the double suppression due to Planck-length and spacetime curvature is compensated by the high energies and the long (cosmological) distances traveled of the gamma-ray-burst photons.

Primary author

Giacomo Rosati (IFT Wroclaw University)

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