5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Particle acceleration and high energy emission in the white dwarf binaries AE Aquarii and AR Sco

8 Jul 2021, 17:45
Talk in the parallel session White Dwarfs, Magnetic Compact Stars and Nuclear Astrophysics White Dwarfs, Magnetic Compact Stars, and Nuclear Astrophysics


Pieter Meintjes (University of the Free State)


In this presentation the white dwarf close binaries AE Aquarii and AR Sco are investigated to search for signatures of particle acceleration and associated non-thermal emission. A detailed investigation of the total Fermi-LAT data base reveal signatures of pulsed gamma-ray emission in AE Aquarii, which mimics earlier reports of transient burst-like pulsed TeV gamma-ray emission reported from this system in the 1990's. Although a similar analysis of the Fermi-LAT data of AR Sco does not reveal strong signatures of pulsed emission, our analysis allowed constraining the gamma-ray activity from this system. Recent meerKAT radio data from both these systems clearly reveal pulsar-like non-thermal emission, which clearly indicates that both these fascinating systems contain a strong particle accelerator of some sort.

Primary authors

Pieter Meintjes (University of the Free State) Mr Spencer Madzime (University of the Free State) Mr Quinton Ka[plan (University of the Free State) Dr Hendrik van Heerden (University of the Free State)

Presentation materials

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