5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Numerical simulations of Primordial Black Holes (PBHs)

8 Jul 2021, 16:55
Talk in the parallel session Effects of Primordial Perturbations Enhancement: from Black Holes Formation to CMB Anomalies Effects of Primordial Perturbations Enhancement: from Black Holes Formation to CMB Anomalies


Albert Escrivà (University of Barcelona)


In this talk, I will talk about the recent developments in numerical simulations of PBHs under spherical symmetry on a FRW background. Specifically, I will focus on the threshold for PBH formation and the effect of the accretion and sizes of the PBHs formed in terms of the specific shape of the initial curvature profile.

Primary author

Albert Escrivà (University of Barcelona)

Presentation materials

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