Jul 5 – 10, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Spin foam framework for the black-to-white hole transition

Jul 5, 2021, 5:30 PM
Talk in the parallel session Loop Quantum Gravity Loop Quantum Gravity


Farshid Soltani (Western U., Canada)


Black holes formation and evolution have been extensively studied at the classical level. However, not much is known regarding the end of their lives, a phase that requires to consider the quantum nature of the gravitational field. A black-to-white hole transition can capture the physics of this phenomenon, in particular the physics of the residual small black holes at the end of the Hawking evaporation. In this talk I discuss how the spin foam formalism achieve to describe this non-perturbative phenomenon. I examine the three distinct regions of the black hole spacetime in which quantum effects cannot be neglected. I argue that the scenario in which the black hole geometry undergoes a quantum transition in a white hole geometry is natural and conservative. I study this quantum transition using the spin foam formalism, explicitly computing the resulting transition amplitude. The ongoing numerical analysis of this transition amplitude may provide an estimation of the back-to-white transition timescales and improve the understanding of its phenomenology.

Primary author

Farshid Soltani (Western U., Canada)


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