I will present the SVOM mission that the Chinese National Space Agency and the French Space Agency havedecided to jointly implement for a launch in autumn 2022.In the line of Swift, SVOM has been designed to detect, characterize and quickly localize gamma-raybursts (GRBs) and other types of high-energy transients. For this task, the spacecraft will carry two widefieldhigh-energy instruments: ECLAIRs, a hard X-ray imager, and the Gamma-Ray Monitor, a broadbandspectrometer. Upon localizing a transient, SVOM will quickly slew towards the source and start deep follow-upobservations with two narrow-field telescopes: the Micro-channel X-ray Telescope in X-rays and the Visible Telescope in the visible.The originality of SVOM is to have a set of instruments deployed on the ground to complete the measurements made in space.i.e.a Wide Angle Camera and two dedicated ground robotic telescopes.The nearly anti-solar pointing of SVOM combined with the fast transmission of GRBpositions to the ground thanks to a VHF antenna network will facilitate the observations of SVOM transients by the largestground based telescopes.All this together makes SVOM a powerful time domain machine.