5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Learning orbital dynamics of binary black hole systems from gravitational wave measurements

8 Jul 2021, 18:10
Talk in the parallel session Numerical Relativity and Gravitational Wave Observations Numerical Relativity and Gravitational Wave Observations


Scott Field (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth)


We introduce a gravitational waveform inversion strategy that discovers mechanical models of binary black hole (BBH) systems. We show that only a single time series of (possibly noisy) waveform data is necessary to construct the equations of motion for a BBH system. Starting with a class of universal differential equations parameterized by feed-forward neural networks, our strategy involves the construction of a space of plausible mechanical models and a physics-informed constrained optimization within that space to minimize the waveform error. We apply our method to various BBH systems including extreme and comparable mass ratio systems in eccentric and non-eccentric orbits. We show the resulting differential equations apply to time durations longer than the training interval, and relativistic effects, such as perihelion precession, radiation reaction, and orbital plunge, are automatically accounted for. The methods outlined here provide a new, data-driven approach to studying the dynamics of binary black hole systems.

Primary authors

Scott Field (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth) Dr Brendan Keith (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ) Akshay Khadse (University of Mississippi)

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