Jul 5 – 10, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Emergent magnetic monopoles in degenerate theory

Jul 8, 2021, 5:10 PM
Talk in the parallel session Black Holes in alternative theories of gravity Black Holes in Alternative Theories of Gravity


Suvikranth Gera (IIT KHARAGPUR)


We show that a magnetic charge in curved spacetime could be an artefact of a vacuum phase with zero metric determinant at a distance. This phase is characterized by a solution of the first order field equations with nontrivial torsion. The monopole charge has a topological origin, given precisely by a lower-dimensional counterpart of the Nieh-Yan invariant in absence of matter. In this geometric realization, the monopole core remains hidden from the observer living in the invertible metric phase, thus precluding its direct detection.

Primary authors

Suvikranth Gera (IIT KHARAGPUR) Sandipan Sengupta (IIT KHARAGPUR)

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