Jul 5 – 10, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone


Accretion Discs and Jets

Jul 5, 2021, 4:30 PM


Accretion Discs and Jets: Block 1

  • Audrey Trova (ZARM, Univeersity of Bremen)
  • Shokoufe Faraji (ZARM)

Accretion Discs and Jets: Block 2

  • Audrey Trova (ZARM, Univeersity of Bremen)
  • Shokoufe Faraji (ZARM)


Accretion disks are the systems that most closely approach compact objects and are ideal systems to explore the non-linear and strong gravity regime. The guiding theme of this parallel session is expected, but are not limited to: theoretical and numerical modelling of accretion process in the strong gravitational field and related phenomena, relativistic turbulence and viscosity, accretion disks and jets, the evolution of accretion disks, and modelling of accretion disks in various gravity theories.

Presentation materials

Building timetable...