Jul 5 – 10, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone


From Cosmic Strings to Superstrings

Jul 5, 2021, 4:30 PM


From Cosmic Strings to Superstrings: Block 1

  • Carlos Martins (CAUP)
  • Ivan Rybak (Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA), Porto)


Cosmic strings arise naturally in many proposed theories of new physics beyond the standard model, including superstring inspired inflation models. In the latter case, fundamental superstrings may have stretched to macroscopic scales, known as cosmic superstrings. If observed, these objects provide a unique window into the early universe. Recent observational progress highlights how some of these scenarios could be constrained, but they also show a bottleneck in the lack of accurate high-resolution network simulations that can be used as templates for robust statistical analysis. Additionally, most numerical simulations and analytic modeling so far are for the simplest cosmic strings, while realistic ones might have nontrivial internal structure, implying that current constraints are unreliable for these scenarios. This session will discuss recent progress in numerical simulations and analytic modeling, with a view to obtaining a more reliable assessment of the cosmological roles of these networks.

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