Jul 5 – 10, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone


Interacting Dark Matter

Jul 5, 2021, 4:30 PM


Interacting Dark Matter: Block 1

  • Nikolaos Mavromatos (King's College London, Physics Department)

Interacting Dark Matter: Block 2

  • Nikolaos Mavromatos (King's College London, Physics Department)


The session is devoted to the physics of all possible aspects of interacting dark matter, including self interactions of dark matter and their cosmological consequences, or interactions of dark matter with ordinary matter and their consequences. Various types of dark matter in various models, including supersymmetry, are considered. Dark matter searches also constitute part of the session's subject.

Presentation materials

Juan Garcia-Bellido (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
7/5/21, 4:30 PM
Interacting Dark Matter
Invited talk in the parallel session

I will review the present status of massive and clustered PBH that may constitute all of the Dark Matter in the Universe.

Building timetable...