5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone


Why and How the Sun and the Stars Shine: the Borexino Experiment

6 Jul 2021, 06:30


Why and How the Sun and the Stars Shine: the Borexino Experiment: Block 1

  • Dmitry Naumov (JINR)
  • Gianpaolo Bellini (University of Milano and INFN)

Why and How the Sun and the Stars Shine: the Borexino Experiment: Block 2

  • Gemma Testera (INFN Genova (Italy))
  • Gianpaolo Bellini (University of Milano and INFN)

Why and How the Sun and the Stars Shine: the Borexino Experiment: Block 3

  • Gianpaolo Bellini (University of Milano and INFN)
  • Gioacchino Ranucci (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - sezione di Milano)


The Borexino experiment, thanks to the unprecedented radiopurity of the detector, never reached even now by any other experiment, succeeded to measure all solar neutrinos fluxes, which are emitted by five nuclear reactions of the pp cycle, which produces 99% the whole solar energy, and from the CNO cycle, responsible for 1% of it. The existence of these cycles had already been hypothesized since 1937 by Hans Bethe and Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker: the pp cycle, which leads to the production of 4He, is dominant in stars having a size like or smaller than the Sun, while the CNO cycle, catalyzed by 12C, 14N and 16O nuclides, dominates in massive stars, with a mass greater at least 30% more that the solar one. The solar neutrinos flux has been globally measured by radiochemical experiments, without distinguishing among the contributions of the various nuclear reactions, while the experiments with Cherenkov light studied only a tail of the 8B reaction corresponding to 0.1% of the total flux; on the other hand, the CNO cycle has never received direct proof of its existence.
Due to its very high radiopurity, the Borexino experiment was able to measure separately the fluxes of the pp five reactions that emit neutrinos, attesting their identification, and reached the first experimental evidence of the CNO cycle existence. In this Session, these results will be discussed together with the upgrading of neutrino oscillation physics as a consequence of the measurements described above; in addition what discovered so far on geo-neutrinos has been presented.

Presentation materials

Gemma Testera (INFN Genova (Italy))
06/07/2021, 07:25
Why and how the Sun and the Stars shine: the Borexino experiment
Invited talk in the parallel session

Borexino recently detect solar neutrinos from the CNO cycle.
In the talk I will review the experiment, the analysis method, the CNO result and its implications.

Tadao Mitsui (Research Center for Neutrino Science, Tohoku University)
06/07/2021, 08:40
Why and how the Sun and the Stars shine: the Borexino experiment
Invited talk in the parallel session

Geoneutrino observation is reviewed.
The latest data of KamLAND and Borexino are included as well as the prospects of
near future experiments.

Why and how the Sun and the Stars shine: the Borexino experiment
Building timetable...