5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone


Mid-Frequency Gravitational Waves (0.1-10 Hz): Sources and Detection Methods

7 Jul 2021, 06:30


Mid-Frequency Gravitational Waves (0.1-10 Hz): Sources and Detection Methods: Block 1

  • Wei-Tou Ni


The mid-frequency GW band (0.1-10 Hz) between LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA detection band and LISA-TAIJI detection band is rich in GW sources. In addition to the intermediate BH (Black Hole) Binary coalescence (recently an event is detected by LIGO-Virgo collaboration), the inspiral phase of stellar-mass coalescence and GWs from compact binaries falling into intermediate BHs, it also enable us to study the compact object population, to test general relativity and beyond-the Standard-Model theories, to explore the stochastic GW background and so on. In addition to DECIGO and BBO, the detection proposals under study includes AEDGE, AIGSO, AION, AMIGO, ELGAR, INO, MAGIS, MIGA, SOGRO, TOBA, ZAIGA, etc. Great advances have accumulated since MG15. We solicit progress papers for this parallel session.

Presentation materials

Marek Lewicki (University of Warsaw)
07/07/2021, 08:50
Mid-frequency Gravitational Waves (0.1-10 Hz): Sources and Detection Methods
Invited talk in the parallel session

I will discuss prospects for GW detection with AION and AEDGE, atom interferometry experiments focusing on the mid-frequency band.

Mid-frequency Gravitational Waves (0.1-10 Hz): Sources and Detection Methods
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