Mid-Frequency Gravitational Waves (0.1-10 Hz): Sources and Detection Methods: Block 1
- Wei-Tou Ni
The mid-frequency GW band (0.1-10 Hz) between LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA detection band and LISA-TAIJI detection band is rich in GW sources. In addition to the intermediate BH (Black Hole) Binary coalescence (recently an event is detected by LIGO-Virgo collaboration), the inspiral phase of stellar-mass coalescence and GWs from compact binaries falling into intermediate BHs, it also enable us to study the compact object population, to test general relativity and beyond-the Standard-Model theories, to explore the stochastic GW background and so on. In addition to DECIGO and BBO, the detection proposals under study includes AEDGE, AIGSO, AION, AMIGO, ELGAR, INO, MAGIS, MIGA, SOGRO, TOBA, ZAIGA, etc. Great advances have accumulated since MG15. We solicit progress papers for this parallel session.
The mid-frequency GW band (0.1-10 Hz) between LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA detection band and LISA-TAIJI-TIANQIN detection band is rich in GW sources. In addition to the intermediate BH (Black Hole) Binary coalescence (an event is detected by LIGO-Virgo collaboration recently), the inspiral phase of stellar-mass coalescence and GWs from compact binaries falling into intermediate BHs, it also enable us to...
In this talk, we shall present our recent studies on gravitational waves (GWs) produced by remote compact astrophysical sources. To describe such GWs properly, we introduce three scales, the typical wavelength of GWs, the scale of the cosmological perturbations, and the size of the observable universe. For GWs to be detected by the current and foreseeable detectors, we show that such GWs can...
A significant number of stellar-mass black-hole (BH) binaries may merge in galactic nuclei or in the surrounding gas disks. With purposed space-borne gravitational-wave observatories, we may use such a binary as a signal carrier to probe modulations induced by a central supermassive BH (SMBH), which further allows us to place constraints on the SMBH's properties. We show in particular the de...
With the advent of NASA's Artemis program, ESA's European Large Logistic Lander, and China’s Chang’e mission, there is a growing impetus across funding agencies and private sectors for scientific payloads on the lunar surface. In this talk, I will review the ongoing efforts for Gravitational-Wave Lunar Observatory for Cosmology (GLOC) - the first concept design in the NASA Artemis era for a...
Gravitational waves excite quadrupolar vibrations of elastic bodies. Monitoring these vibrations was one of the first concepts proposed for the detection of gravitational waves by Joseph Weber. At laboratory scale, these experiments became known as resonant-bar detectors, which form an important part of the history of GW detection. Due to the dimensions of these bars, the targeted signal...
The Lunar Gravitational-Wave Antenna (LGWA) is a proposed low-frequency gravitational-wave detector on the Moon’s surface.
Its core will be composed of an array of high-end seismic sensors: CSIS (Cryogenic Superconducting Inertial Sensor).
A cryogenic environment will be used in combination with superconducting materials to open up pathways to low-loss actuators and sensor mechanics.
TOBA (TOrsion-Bar Antenna) is a mid.-frequency gravitational-wave antenna. It is formed by two bar-shape test masses, each suspended as a torsion pendulum. Tidal effect originated by incoming gravitational wave will be detected as differential angular motion of these two bars. The fundamental sensitivity is 10^(-19) Hz^(-1/2) at 0.1 Hz frequency band, assuming 10-m scale cryogenic detector....
The Zhaoshan long-baseline Atom Interferometer Gravitation Antenna (ZAIGA) is a proposed underground long-baseline atom interferometer facility, aiming for experimental research on gravitation and related problems. It will be equipped with long-baseline atom interferometers, high-precision atom clocks, and large-scale gyros. ZAIGA facility will take an equilateral triangle configuration with...
I will discuss prospects for GW detection with AION and AEDGE, atom interferometry experiments focusing on the mid-frequency band.
DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (DECIGO) is a future Japanese space gravitational-wave antenna. There are many science targets that DECIGO aims at, including the detection of primordial gravitational waves, direct measurement of the acceleration of the Universe, the revelation of the formation of massive black holes, and many others. DECIGO consists of four clusters of...