5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone


White Dwarf Explosions

5 Jul 2021, 16:30


White Dwarf Explosions: Block 1

  • Robert Fisher (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth)
  • Pilar Ruiz-Lapuente (ICCUB U. Barcelona and IFF (CSIC))

White Dwarf Explosions: Block 2

  • Pilar Ruiz-Lapuente (ICCUB U. Barcelona and IFF (CSIC))
  • Robert Fisher (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth)


Type Ia supernovae play a crucial role as standardizable candles for cosmology, and underpin measurements of both dark energy and the Hubble tension. Yet, the nature of the stellar progenitors and explosion mechanisms for type Ia supernovae remains an area of active research. This session will bring together members of the supernova cosmology community along with observers and theorists investigating the type Ia stellar progenitor problem and explosion mechanisms, and aims to achieve dialog on problems of interest linking both groups.
Particular areas of focus for the session include:
* Type Ia stellar progenitors and explosion mechanisms
* Multidimensional type Ia simulations
* Photometric and spectroscopic discriminants of type Ia progenitors, particularly at early and late times
* Evolutionary effects on SNe Ia supernova cosmology and their impact on dark energy measurements
* The absolute brightness of normal SNe Ia; the link of absolute brightness and the distance scale; views on the Hubble constant tension.

Presentation materials

Building timetable...