Jul 5 – 10, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone


Gamma-Ray Burst Correlations: Observational Challenges and Theoretical Interpretation

Jul 6, 2021, 6:30 AM


Gamma-Ray Burst Correlations: Observational Challenges and Theoretical Interpretation: Block 1

  • Liang Li (ICRANet, Piazza della Repubblica 10, I-65122 Pescara, Italy)
  • Maria Dainotti (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)

Gamma-Ray Burst Correlations: Observational Challenges and Theoretical Interpretation: Block 2

  • Maria Dainotti (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
  • Liang Li (ICRANet, Piazza della Repubblica 10, I-65122 Pescara, Italy)

Gamma-Ray Burst Correlations: Observational Challenges and Theoretical Interpretation: Block 3

  • Liang Li (ICRANet, Piazza della Repubblica 10, I-65122 Pescara, Italy)
  • Maria Dainotti (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)


Gamma-Ray Bursts are among the most distant phenomena in the Universe and because of that they can be used as standardizable candles through important correlations. The session will discuss the role of correlations both in prompt and afterglow, from high-energy gamma-rays to optical and radio observations. It will also deal with all the challenges in observations and the possible theoretical interpretation. The session will discuss also the application of them as cosmological tools and how satellites like Swift, Beppo-Sax and future mission can advantage of these correlations at high-z.

Presentation materials

Takashi Moriya (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
7/9/21, 8:10 AM
Gamma-Ray Burst Correlations: Observational Challenges and Theoretical Interpretation
Invited talk in the parallel session

I will discuss supernovae associated with gamma-ray bursts and what they tell us about the progenitors of gamma-ray bursts. I will focus on the supernova diversity from gamma-ray bursts and what the diversity tells us.

Building timetable...