Friday Plenary Session: Block 2 - Massive stars
- Massimo Della Valle (INAF-Naples)
Friday Plenary Session: Block 3 - Physics behind stellar collapse
- Remo Ruffini (ICRANet)
Friday plenary session
The direct detection of gravitational waves has triggered excitement from physicist, astrophysicists and general public alike. The first event and many that followed originated from surprisingly heavy systems, with typical masses of 30-45 solar masses, well in excess of the masses of black holes known in X-ray binary systems. How did heavy pairs of Black holes form? What do these measurements...
The majority of massive stars is born in close binary stars, and their evolution is strongly altered by their companion star. We discuss the main mechanisms of close binary interaction, and their relevance for understanding the diversity of core collapse supernovae. Binary interaction also affects, and sometimes enables, extreme events, like hypernovae, long-duration gamma-ray bursts, super...
We shall analyze three specific general-relativistic problems in which gravitomagnetism plays the important role: the dragging of magnetic fields around rotating black holes, dragging inside a collapsing slowly rotating spherical shell of dust, compared with the dragging by rotating gravitational waves (CQG 34, 205006 (2017), Phys. Rev. D 85 124003, (2012) etc). We shall also briefly show how...
The study of High Energy (HE) and Ultra-High Energy (UHE) cosmic rays is currently being driven
by new and very interesting data from both space-borne and ground-based experiments. The talk will be devoted to a review of recent observations of electrons/positrons, protons/antiprotons, and nuclei, at energies above hundreds of GeV. New techniques and mission concepts will also be briefly discussed.
It is well accepted that most long gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) are associated with broad-line SNe-Ibc. There is a broad consensus that the GRBs progenitors are massive stars. Moreover, it is also well accepted that the most massive stars (or at least a significant fraction of them) are members of binary system. This facts have motivated the theoretical approach to model the LGRBs, known as the...
In January 2020, the LIGO–Virgo detector network observed
gravitational-wave signals from two compact binary inspirals which are
consistent with neutron star–black hole (NSBH) binaries. These
represent the first confident observations to date of NSBH binaries
via any observational means. I discuss the characterstic of these
events and their level of confidence, what we can learn from them...
Understanding the nature of the stellar collapse plays an important role in a wide range of astrophysics. Stellar collapse produce the compact remnants (neutron stars and black holes) that make up a menagerie of exotic astrophysics objects from pulsars and X-ray binaries to the merging compact objects detected in gravitational waves. Stellar collapse plays an important role in most gamma-ray...
Numerical relativity simulations of compact-object binary coalescences have played an important role in the detection of gravitational wave observations and the characterization of the sources. As current detectors increase their sensitivity and future detectors join the effort, the role of numerical relativity will become more prevalent. I will provide an overview of the current status of...
Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are few-millisecond bursts of radio waves coming from far outside the Milky Way. Some repeat. Their origin is presently unknown as is whether they represent a single class of object or multiple classes. Recently there has been tremendous observational progress on understanding FRBs thanks to a variety of new instruments designed for their study. In this talk I review...
Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are cosmological millisecond-duration bursts in the radio band. The recent detection of the Galactic FRB 200428 suggests that magnetars can produce FRBs. In this talk, I will review the current understanding of the physical mechanisms of FRBs in reference of two related astrophysical phenomena, namely, radio pulsars and gamma-ray bursts. I will discuss the...