Jul 5 – 10, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone


Binary-Driven Hypernovae of Type 1, 2 and 3

Jul 6, 2021, 9:30 AM


Binary-Driven Hypernovae of Type 1, 2 and 3: Block 1

  • Simonetta Filippi (Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome)
  • Carlo Luciano Bianco (ICRANet)
  • Christian Cherubini (Department of Science and Technology for Humans and the Environment and ICRA, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, 00128 Rome, Italy and International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network-ICRANet, 65122 Pescara, Italy)


Since a few years, thanks to an extensive multiwavelength GRB observational campaign, there is mounting evidence for a GRB classification scheme with nine different sub-classes. Within such a scheme, at variance with the traditional approach, the previously called "long GRBs" do not originate in the collapse of single massive stars but in binary systems formed by an evolved carbon-oxygen core, exploding as a type Ic supernova (SN), and a companion neutron star (NS) undergoing hypercritical accretion. These binary systems have been named "Binary Driven Hypernovae" (BdHNe). At least three different types of BdHNe have been identified, depending on their binary separation. Type 1 BdHNe are the closest ones: the hypercritical accretion makes the companion NS reach its critical mass and collapse to a black hole (BH) the outcome is a new binary system composed by a new NS (vNS) produced by the SN explosion and a companion BH, the emitted GRB has an isotropic energy \sim 10^{52}-10^{54} erg and it presents an associated high energy emission in the GeV energy range. Type 2 BdHNe are more detached: the hypercritical accretion is not sufficient to trigger the collapse of the companion NS to a BH, the outcome is a new binary system composed by a vNS and a companion more massive NS, the emitted GRB has an isotropic energy \sim 10^{50}-10^{52} erg and no associated GeV emission is expected. In Type 3 BdHNe are similar to Type 2 but even more detached, and the emitted GRB is correspondingly even weaker (isotropic energy \sim 10^{48}-10^{50} erg with no associated GeV emission). The session aims at providing the current status of the art on the developments of the BdHN scenario, both from a theoretical and observational point of view.

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