One problem of the ΛCDM model is the tension between the S8 found in Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments and the smaller one obtained from large-scale observations in the late
Universe. The σ8 quantifies the relatively high level of clustering. Bayesian Analysis of the Redshift
Space Distortion (RSD) selected data set yields: S8 = 0.700+0.038
−0.037. The fit has 3σ tension with the
Planck 2018 results. With Gaussian processes method a model-independent reconstructions of the
growth history of matter in-homogeneity is studied. The fit yields S8 = 0.707+0.085
−0.085, 0.701+0.089
and 0.731+0.063
−0.062 for different kernels. The tension reduces and being smaller then 1.5 σ. With future measurements the tension may be reduced, but the possibility the tension is real is a plausible