5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Measuring the Hubble constant from Gravitational Lensing

8 Jul 2021, 18:30
Invited talk in the parallel session Status of the H_0 and sigma_8 tensions: theoretical models and model-independent constraints Status of the H_0 and Sigma_8 Tensions: Theoretical Models and Model-Independent Constraints


Liliya Williams (University of Minnesota)


First proposed in 1964 by Sjur Refsdal, gravitational lensing provides a straightforward and elegant geometrical way of estimating the Hubble constant from cosmologically distant variable sources. The method relies on observationally determined time delays between light arriving through different multiple images, and the mass models of the lens, which are constrained by observed image properties and other information. While the time delays are obtained with increasing precision, the mass models, which are subject to lensing degeneracies, remain the main source of systematic uncertainty. Various modeling groups have adopted different strategies for dealing with degeneracies. In this talk I will describe the basics of extracting H0 from lensing, the observational successes, modeling challenges, current results, and future prospects.

Primary author

Liliya Williams (University of Minnesota)

Presentation materials

