5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Extra components solutions to the Hubble tension with BBN

7 Jul 2021, 10:14
Talk in the parallel session Status of the H_0 and sigma_8 tensions: theoretical models and model-independent constraints Status of the H_0 and Sigma_8 Tensions: Theoretical Models and Model-Independent Constraints


Yo Toda (Hokkaido University)


The standard Lambda CDM cosmological model now seems to face some puzzles. One of the most serious problems is the so-called Hubble tension; the values of the Hubble constant obtained by local measurements look inconsistent with that inferred from CMB. Although introducing extra energy components such as the extra radiation or early dark energy appears to be promising, such extra components could alter abundance of light elements synthesized by Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN). We perform Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate the effect of those extra component scenarios for solving the Hubble tension to the BBN prediction.

Primary author

Yo Toda (Hokkaido University)


Osamu Seto (Hokkaido University)

Presentation materials

