5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

The Latest Progress of PandaX – a deep underground liquid xenon observatory

8 Jul 2021, 10:05


Jianglai Liu (SJTU)


The dark matter and neutrinos are keys to the formation and evolution of the universe. Yet we do not know what is dark matter, and we do not fully understand the fundamental properties of neutrinos. PandaX is an underground xenon-based observatory located in the world deepest China Jinping Underground Laboratory in Sichuan, China. The current phase of PandaX consists of a 4-tonne scale dual-phase xenon time-project-chamber detector, and we plan to carry out a wide range of studies in dark matter searches, Majorana neutrinos, astrophysical neutrinos, etc. In this talk, I will present the latest progress of PandaX, and give an outlook of its future.

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