5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Finite Action Principle and black holes in Horava-Lifszyc gravity

7 Jul 2021, 11:50
Invited talk in the parallel session Horava-Lifshitz Gravity Hořava–Lifshitz Gravity


Jan Kwapisz (University of Warsaw)


It is expected that the quantum gravity should resolve the black-hole singularity problem, according to the finite action principle one may ask which of the microscopic actions remain finite for non-singular black holes and conversely interfere destructively for the singular ones. We also show that the finite action selection principle works for H-L gravity in the context of black holes (the action is finite for non-singular BH and conversely for the singular). Furthermore, we have found that wormholes possess a Finite Action and hence contribute to the path-integral of QG.

Based on: 2102.13556

Primary authors

Jan Chojnacki (Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw) Jan Kwapisz (University of Warsaw)

Presentation materials

