5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

The GRB plateau emission naturally explained within the classical “fireball” model

7 Jul 2021, 08:30
Talk in the parallel session Gamma-Ray Burst Correlations: Observational Challenges and Theoretical Interpretation Gamma-Ray Burst Correlations: Observational Challenges and Theoretical Interpretation


Dr Hüsne Dereli-Bégué (Bar-Ilan University)


The origin of the plateau phase seen in the early X-ray light curves of GRBs (up to thousands of seconds) is a debated topic. I will present a new model formulation as explanation of the plateau emission and its application to the observation in both X-ray and optical bands. Main outcomes of this application is that (i) the end of the plateau phase marks the transition from the coasting phase to the self-similar expansion phase, (ii) the initial Lorentz factor of the relativistically expanding jet is of the order of a few tens and (iii) the expansion occurs into a low-density wind.

Primary authors

Dr Hüsne Dereli-Bégué (Bar-Ilan University) Asaf Pe'er (Bar Ilan University) Prof. Felix Ryde (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Bing Zhang (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) Maria Dainotti (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)

Presentation materials

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