Jul 5 – 10, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone


Cosmic Backgrounds from Radio to Far-IR

Jul 5, 2021, 4:30 PM


Cosmic Backgrounds from Radio to Far-IR: Block 1

  • Carlo Burigana (INAF-Istituto di Radioastronomia)


This parallel session will focus on the interpretation and perspectives for cosmology and astrophysics coming from cosmic backgrounds from radio to far-IR, both in temperature and in polarization.
The latest results from the Planck mission have been recently presented, while new sub-orbital experiments are investigating CMB polarization anisotropies and searching for primordial gravitational waves, and future CMB missions of different scales are foreseen or under study. The sub-mm / far-IR domain, crucial for high-frequency foreground mitigation, allows to study a number of astrophysical cosmology topics, including the early stages of star and galaxy formation. In parallel, on-going and future radio projects promise to shed light on the dawn age and on the reionization epoch and to provide 3D images of the Universe's evolution.
The authors of both invited and contributed talks are encouraged to underline the connection between astrophysical and cosmological results.

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