5–10 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone


The Nature of Galactic Halos

6 Jul 2021, 09:30


The Nature of Galactic Halos: Block 1

  • Francesco De Paolis
  • Asghar Qadir (None)


By the rotation curves of spiral galaxies, the X-ray emission of ellipticals and the dynamics of the galaxy clusters, we know that there is much more matter in the outer reaches of these systems than is accounted for by visible matter, including gas and dust. Even this is confirmed by the primordial nucleosynthesis and CMB observations, we also know that there is much more baryonic matter than that accounted for in the above forms. This is the so-called "missing baryon problem". It is important, then, to accurately determine the content and nature of the galactic halos and try to "see" the halos by alternate means. That will be the purpose of this session.

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