Strong Electromagnetic and Gravitational Field Physics: From Laboratories to Early Universe: Block 1
- Sang Pyo Kim (Kunsan National University)
- She-Sheng Xue (ICRANet, Physics Department, Sapienza University of Rome)
- Ehsan Bavarsad (Department of Physics, University of Kashan, 8731753153, Kashan, Iran)
Strong Electromagnetic and Gravitational Field Physics: From Laboratories to Early Universe: Block 2
- Ehsan Bavarsad (Department of Physics, University of Kashan, 8731753153, Kashan, Iran)
- She-Sheng Xue (ICRANet, Physics Department, Sapienza University of Rome)
- Sang Pyo Kim (Kunsan National University)
Strong electromagnetic and gravitational fields play important roles in physics, particularly in astrophysics and cosmology. Strong electromagnetic and gravitational fields are two of the most important ingredients of the compact objects and the early universe. This session is dedicated to all theoretical aspects of high field and/or energetic phenomena due to strong electromagnetic fields and/or gravity in Earth-based laboratories as well as astrophysics and cosmology, such as Schwinger pair creation in Minkowski spacetime and curved spacetimes, Gibbons-Hawking radiation, backreaction effects, magnetogenesis, charged particle acceleration, vacuum polarization, and nonlinearity of strong electromagnetic fields. It is also dedicated to experimental and theoretical aspects of laboratory astrophysics and astrophysical observations related to strong field physics, such as intense lasers plasma acceleration, plasma interaction with strong electromagnetic fields, radiation from accelerating charges, observation of birefringence in neutron stars, simulation of strong gravity effects etc.
One of the most ubiquitous features of quantum theories is the existence of zero-point fluctuations in their ground states. For massive quantum fields, these fluctuations decouple from infrared observables in ordinary field theories. However, there is no "decoupling theorem" in Quantum Gravity, and we recently showed that the vacuum stress fluctuations of massive quantum fields source a red...
Photon-graviton conversion in a magnetic field is a process that is usually studied at tree level, but the one-loop corrections due to scalars and spinors have also been calculated. Differently from the tree-level process, at one-loop one finds the amplitude to depend on the photon polarization, leading to dichroism. However, previous calculations overlooked a tadpole contribution of the type...
High energy laser beams and particle beams, such as the one of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, can be used as lab-scale, relativistic sources of gravitational fields. We present a study of the creation and possibility of detection of oscillating gravitational fields from lab-scale, relativistic sources. Lab-based sources allow for signal frequencies much higher and far narrower in...
Particle creation by strong and time-varying backgrounds is a robust prediction of quantum field theory. Another well-stablished feature of QFT is that classical symmetries do not always extend to the quantized theory. When this occurs, we speak of quantum anomalies. In this talk we discuss the intwining relationship between both predictions. First, we point out that the particle...
We discuss equilibration process in expanding universes as opposed to the thermalization one in Minkowski space--time. The goal is to answer the question: Does the equilibrium reached before the rapid expansion stops and has negligible effect on the background geometry? Or stress--energy fluxes in a universe of GUT scale curvature have strong effects on the expansion rate and the equilibrium...
Both QCD and EW eras play essential roles in laying seeds for nucleosynthesis and even dictating the cosmological large-scale structure. Taking advantage of recent developments in ultrarelativistic nuclear experiments and nonperturbativ and perturbative lattice simulations, various thermodynamic quantities including pressure, energy density, bulk viscosity, relaxation time, and temperature...
In this talk, we discuss recent results on neutral fermion pair production from the vacuum by an inhomogeneous Sauter-like magnetic field. We find exact solutions of the Dirac-Pauli equation in this field and calculate differential and total quantities characterizing vacuum instability. Special attention is paid to cases where the gradient of the magnetic field varies either gradually or...
We examine the radiation emitted by high energy positrons channeled into silicon crystal samples. The positrons are modeled as semiclassical vector currents coupled to an Unruh-DeWitt detector to incorporate any local change in the energy of the positron. In the subsequent accelerated QED analysis, we discover a Larmor formula and power spectrum that are both thermalized by the acceleration....
Particles are spontaneously created from the vacuum by time-varying gravitational or electromagnetic backgrounds. It has been proven that the particle number operator in an expanding universe is an adiabatic invariant. In this talk we show that, in some special cases, the expected adiabatic invariance of the particle number fails in presence of electromagnetic backgrounds. In order to do this,...
The quantum vacuum has long been known to be characterized by field correlations between spacetime points. These correlations can be swapped with a pair of particle detectors, modelled as simple two-level quantum systems (Unruh-DeWitt detectors) via a process known as entanglement harvesting. We study this phenomenon in the presence of a rotating BTZ black hole, and find that rotation can...
From previous work, Phys. Rev. D 103, 105003 (2021), the semiclassical backreaction equation (SBE) in 1+1 dimensions was solved and a criterion was implemented to assess the validity of the semiclassical approximation in this case. The criterion involves the behavior of solutions to the linear response equation (LRE) which describes perturbations about solutions to the SBE. The LRE involves...
The properties of light are premises in the foundations of modern physics: they were used to derive special and general relativity and are the basis of the concept of time and causality in many alternative models. Therefore, it is worthwhile to study the back-action of light on the gravitational field with its rich phenomenology, even though the effects are in general very weak. In this talk,...
Sources of high-energy, dense and collimated photon and lepton beams enable new avenues for research in strong-field QED and relativistic laboratory astrophysics [1]-[2].
Here we show that a high-current ultrarelativistic electron beam interacting with multiple thin conducting foils can undergo strong self-focusing accompanied by efficient emission of gamma-ray synchrotron photons....
The vacuum instability effect (the Schwinger effect) in an asymmetric electric field of an analytic form is studied nonperturbatively representing a so-called exactly solvable case. Among t-electric potential steps that belong to exactly solvable cases (Sauter-like electric field, T-constant electric field, exponentially increasing and exponentially decreasing electric field, and inverse...
We consider crossed electric and a magnetic fields $\left(\vec{B}=B\hat{z},~\vec{E}=E\hat{y}\right)$, with $E/B<1$, in presence of some initial number of $e^{\pm}$ pairs. We do not discuss here the mechanism of generation of these initial pairs. The electric field accelerates the pairs to high-energies thereby radiating high-energy synchrotron photons. These photons interact with the magnetic...
The goal of this talk is to present a conjecture which states that the proper-time series expansion of the one-loop effective Lagrangian of quantum electrodynamics can be partially summed in all terms containing the field-strength invariants $\mathcal{F} = \frac{1}{4} F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu} (x)$, $\mathcal{G}= \frac{1}{4} \tilde F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu}(x)$, including those that also have ...
Doran horizon penetrating coordinates are adopted to study specific perfect MHD processes around a Kerr black hole, focusing in particular on the physical relevance of selected electrodynamical quantities.
Accelerated charges emit electromagnetic radiation and the consequent energy-momentum loss alters their trajectory. This phenomenon is known as radiation reaction and the Landau-Lifshitz (LL) equation is the classical equation of motion of the electron, which takes into account self-consistently radiation-reaction effects in the electron trajectory. By using the analytical solution of the LL...
Strong gravity regions, like the neighborhood of black holes or neutron stars, can induce non-
minimal couplings between electromagnetic fields and gravity. In these regions, gravitational fields
behave as a non-linear medium in which the electromagnetic fields propagate. For a system of mass
M and size R, the surface potential scales as M/R. Pulsar timing array, Double pulsar...
BMS supertranslation symmetries are related to both the gravitational memory effect and the Weinberg’s soft graviton theorem; the significance of which was recently realised by Hawking, Perry and Strominger (HPS) who conjectured that applying these relations to an asymptotically flat spacetime with a black hole in the interior would imply the existence of an infinite number of soft hairs for...
It is known that when charged fermions gyrate in uniform magnetic field, their energy quantizes into discrete levels, called Landau levels. The problem of Landau quantization is typically solved in presence of uniform magnetic fields. Under such condition, the Landau levels are degenerate with overlapping of spin-up fermions in a lower energy level with spin-down fermions in the next higher...