Jul 5 – 10, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone


Strong Electromagnetic and Gravitational Field Physics: From Laboratories to Early Universe

Jul 6, 2021, 9:30 AM


Strong Electromagnetic and Gravitational Field Physics: From Laboratories to Early Universe: Block 1

  • Sang Pyo Kim (Kunsan National University)
  • She-Sheng Xue (ICRANet, Physics Department, Sapienza University of Rome)
  • Ehsan Bavarsad (Department of Physics, University of Kashan, 8731753153, Kashan, Iran)

Strong Electromagnetic and Gravitational Field Physics: From Laboratories to Early Universe: Block 2

  • Ehsan Bavarsad (Department of Physics, University of Kashan, 8731753153, Kashan, Iran)
  • She-Sheng Xue (ICRANet, Physics Department, Sapienza University of Rome)
  • Sang Pyo Kim (Kunsan National University)


Strong electromagnetic and gravitational fields play important roles in physics, particularly in astrophysics and cosmology. Strong electromagnetic and gravitational fields are two of the most important ingredients of the compact objects and the early universe. This session is dedicated to all theoretical aspects of high field and/or energetic phenomena due to strong electromagnetic fields and/or gravity in Earth-based laboratories as well as astrophysics and cosmology, such as Schwinger pair creation in Minkowski spacetime and curved spacetimes, Gibbons-Hawking radiation, backreaction effects, magnetogenesis, charged particle acceleration, vacuum polarization, and nonlinearity of strong electromagnetic fields. It is also dedicated to experimental and theoretical aspects of laboratory astrophysics and astrophysical observations related to strong field physics, such as intense lasers plasma acceleration, plasma interaction with strong electromagnetic fields, radiation from accelerating charges, observation of birefringence in neutron stars, simulation of strong gravity effects etc.

Presentation materials

Matthew Robbins (University of Waterloo, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics), Laura Henderson (Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo), Robert Mann (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo)
7/6/21, 12:05 PM
Strong Electromagnetic and Gravitational Field Physics: From Laboratories to Early Universe
Talk in the parallel session

The quantum vacuum has long been known to be characterized by field correlations between spacetime points. These correlations can be swapped with a pair of particle detectors, modelled as simple two-level quantum systems (Unruh-DeWitt detectors) via a process known as entanglement harvesting. We study this phenomenon in the presence of a rotating BTZ black hole, and find that rotation can...

Christian Cherubini (Department of Science and Technology for Humans and the Environment and ICRA, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, 00128 Rome, Italy and International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network-ICRANet, 65122 Pescara, Italy)
7/9/21, 8:00 AM
Strong Electromagnetic and Gravitational Field Physics: From Laboratories to Early Universe
Invited talk in the parallel session

Doran horizon penetrating coordinates are adopted to study specific perfect MHD processes around a Kerr black hole, focusing in particular on the physical relevance of selected electrodynamical quantities.

Building timetable...