Jul 5 – 10, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone


Radio Astronomy from Space

Jul 5, 2021, 4:30 PM


Radio Astronomy from Space: Block 1

  • Yuri Kovalev (Lebedev Physical Institute)
  • Michael Johnson (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian)

Radio Astronomy from Space: Block 2

  • Michael Johnson (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian)
  • Yuri Kovalev (Lebedev Physical Institute)


Over the past century, radio astronomy has played a central role in experimental studies of General Relativity. Key milestones include measurement of the Shapiro time delay, discovery of cosmic background radiation, detection of gravitational waves using binary pulsars, discovery of superluminal motion in quasars, and the first image of a black hole using the EHT. Radio astronomy in space offers key advantages: WMAP and Planck revolutionized modern observational cosmology, while VSOP and RadioAstron achieved the sharpest resolution in the history of astronomy.
This parallel session will be devoted to recent results and plans for future space missions that target breakthroughs in experimental relativity using radio observations. The plans include high-resolution studies of the supermassive black holes Sgr A and M87 using a space-enhanced EHT, and cosmological studies using Lunar ultra-long wavelength radio telescopes.

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