12–16 Jun 2023
Asia/Yerevan timezone

Radiative Penrose process: energy gain by a single radiating charged particle in ergosphere of rotating black hole

14 Jun 2023, 16:00


Martin Kološ (Institute of Physics, Silesian University in Opava)


We demonstrate an extraordinary effect of energy gain by a single radiating charged particle inside the ergosphere of a Kerr black hole in presence of magnetic field. We solve numerically the covariant form of the Lorentz-Dirac equation reduced from the DeWitt-Brehme equation and analyze energy evolution of the radiating charged particle inside the ergosphere, where the energy of emitted radiation can be negative with respect to a distant observer in dependence on the relative orientation of the magnetic field, black hole spin and the direction of the charged particle motion. Consequently, the charged particle can leave the ergosphere with energy greater than initial in expense of black hole’s rotational energy. In contrast to the original Penrose process and its various modification, the new process does not require the interactions (collisions or decay) with other particles and consequent restrictions on the relative velocities between fragments. We show that such a Radiative Penrose effect is potentially observable and discuss its possible relevance in formation of relativistic jets and in similar high-energy astrophysical settings.

Primary author

Martin Kološ (Institute of Physics, Silesian University in Opava)

Presentation materials