12–16 Jun 2023
Asia/Yerevan timezone

Gaining understanding of gravitational wave emission in the earliest phases of long GRBs: sweeping frequencies and energetics (online talk)

14 Jun 2023, 11:30


Carlo Luciano Bianco (ICRANet)


Due to the technical time delay, greater than $\sim 40$ s, of the XRT instrument on board the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory satellite, we are not able to observe the x-ray emission occurring less than $\sim 40$ s after a gamma-ray burst (GRB) trigger time. A new strategy is indicated here of using the cosmological dilatation of time in the observer rest frame measured in high redshift GRBs to observe in the GRB cosmological rest-frame their earliest X-ray emission by Swift/XRT even less than $10$ s after the trigger. We illustrate this procedure using $353$ GRBs with well-defined cosmological redshift, based on the \textit{NASA-Swift GRB Table}. We compare and contrast the time delay between the trigger of the source and the first observation by Swift/XRT as measured in the observer frame (OTD) and the corresponding delay measured in GRBs' cosmological rest-frame (RTD). We consider as specific prototypes GRB 090423 at $z=8.2$ with an RTD of $8.2$~s, GRB 090429B at $z\sim 9.4$ with an RTD of $10.1$~s, as well as the GRB 220101A at $z=4.6$ with an RTD of $14.2$~s. This opens a new possibility for probing the first episode of the binary-driven hypernova (BdHN) model linked to the origin and early appearance of the newborn neutron star ($\nu$NS) and the first clear manifestation of a transition from a Jacobi to a Maclaurin sequence prior to the onset of the GRB afterglow.

Primary author


Fatemeh Rastegarnia Jorge Armando Rueda Hernandez (ICRANet) Liang Li (ICRANet, Piazza della Repubblica 10, I-65122 Pescara, Italy) Massimo Della Valle (INAF) Rahim Moradi (ICRANet and ICRA-Sapienza) Remo Ruffini (ICRANet, ICRA, INAF) Shurui Zhang (USTC & ICRANet) Taghi Mirtorabi

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