Jun 12 – 16, 2023
Asia/Yerevan timezone

The transformation of the rotational energy of a Kerr BH

Jun 16, 2023, 12:15 PM


Shurui Zhang (USTC & ICRANet)


We analyze the “ballistic method” of rotational energy extraction from an Kerr black hole (BH) by massive particle decay in the BH ergosphere pioneered by Roger Penrose. We focus on the negative energy counterrotating particles in-going to the horizon and evaluate the feedback on the BH irreducible mass (∆Mirr > |E1|). The change in irreducible mass is a function of the ratio of the particle mass µ1 to the mass of BH. In the limit µ1/M → 0, ∆Mirr/|E1| → ∞, all the reduced extractable energy goes into the irreducible mass, resulting in high irreversibility.

Primary author

Shurui Zhang (USTC & ICRANet)


Prof. Jorge Rueda (ICRANet & Unife) Dr Mikalai Prakapenia (Belarusian State University) Prof. Remo Ruffini (ICRANet)

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